Check out our guide to addressing wedding invitation envelopes correctly—according to etiquette.
Determining the appropriate way to address your wedding invitation envelopes can be a tricky process. As a rule of thumb, the outer envelope of your wedding invitation should be more formal, with titles and full names, while the inner envelope is more informal, leaving out first names or titles and last names (if you’re very close to the guest). Find even more ways to address your wedding invitation envelopes below.
A Married Couple
List the person you’re closest with first on the outer and inner envelopes. If you’re similarly acquainted with both, list them in alphabetical order.
A Married Couple
On the outer envelope:
Mr. John and Mrs. Samantha Holt
Mr. and Mrs. John Holt
On the inner envelope:
Mr. and Mrs. Holt
John and Samantha
A Married Couple With Different Last Names
List the person you’re closest with first on the outer and inner envelopes. If you’re similarly acquainted with both, list them in alphabetical order.
On the outer envelope:
Mr. John Holt and Mrs. Samantha Thuente
On the inner envelope:
Mr. Holt and Mrs. Thuente
John and Samantha
An Unmarried Couple Living Together
As with a married couple, both names should be included on the envelopes, but in this case, each name gets its own line.
On the outer envelope:
Mr. Joseph Hirsch
Ms. Rebecca Strecker
On the inner envelope:
Mr. Hirsch
Ms. Strecker
A Same-Sex Couple
Use the same rules you would for any other unmarried or married couple. If the couple is married, list the names on the same line.
On the outer envelope:
Ms. Celine Elgin and Ms. Jacqueline Purcell
Celine Elgin and Jacqueline Purcell
On the inner envelope:
Ms. Elgin and Ms. Purcell
Celine and Jacqueline
A Married Woman Doctor or Two Married Doctors
If a woman uses her maiden name professionally and socially, the envelopes should read:
On the outer envelope:
Dr. Anne Barker and Mr. Peter Underwood
If she uses her husband’s name socially:
Dr. Anne and Mr. Peter Underwood
If both parties are doctors, you can address the outer envelope:
Doctors Anne and Peter Underwood
On the inner envelope:
Dr. Barker and Mr. Underwood
The Doctors Underwood
Those With Other Distinguished Titles
Apply the same rules you use for doctors for military personnel, judges, reverends and so on. If both titles don’t fit on one line, indent the second line.
On the outer envelope:
The Honorable Jane Kelly and Lieutenant Jonathan Kelly, US Navy
Or if they’re both captains in the military:
Captains Jane and Jonathan Kelly, US Navy
On the inner envelope:
Judge Kelly and Lieutenant Kelly, US Navy
The Captains Kelly
Children and Families
Younger guests can be included on the inner envelope of their parents’ invitation by their name(s)—they should not be addressed on the outer envelope. For girls under 18, use “Miss.” Boys don’t need a title until they’re 18—then they’re addressed as “Mr.”
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Abraham
Daniel, Jeffrey, Miss Brittany and Miss Kelly
Children 18 and Older
They should receive their own invitations (unless they’re living at home with their parents).
On the outer envelope:
Ms. Audrey Abraham
Mr. Jack Abraham
On the inner envelope:
Ms. Abraham
Mr. Abraham